Pentagons #2
"Islamic Fractals #10" was one of my first
attempts at building a large multi-layered
pattern with unforseen negative shapes
appearing only at a very advanced stage
of repetition. In #11 I not only changed the
colours but added an additional layer of
white with details of immense pentagons.
The total composition is "interrupted" by
vertical spaces or "columns". The relation
between the visible and the "covered" areas
was determined by the Golden Proportion.
I have allowed myself to use the term
"fractals" because I have used the same
manner of reiteration but instead of the usual
triangles I have used the pentagon. In the
"Golden Arch Window" quintych details of
the center window are enlarged. In later
works I discovered that at a level of
extensive reiteration the pentagons arrange
themselves in circles. All the works here
were created on the computer and then
printed in predetermined sizes.